karya tulis ilmiah

The Importance of Mastering English language of Students of Baleendah Senior High School

Submitted to Fullfill English School Final Practical Examination

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Sinta Mawar Dini


Baleendah Senior High School

Jl. R.A.A Wiranata Kusumah No. 30
Bandung Regency


The Importance of Mastering English language of  Students of Baleendah Senior High School

Submitted to fulfill English School Final Practical Examination

Sinta Mawar Dini



Baleendah, 21 Desember 2012

Guiding Teacher 1                                                             Guiding Teacher 2

HJ. Rosita, S.Pd                                                    Drs. Opan Sofwan, M.Ed
NIP. 196008241983022003                                  NIP.196209131987031003

Approved by:


Drs. H. Aa Sudaya, M.Pd
NIP.19581201 198303 1 011


The paper, entitled The Importance of Mastering English Among Students of Baleendah Senior High School discusses how to be application and use of Englishin communication among students of Baleendah senior high school. Development of science at this time, requires us to master a wide range of languages​​, one of which is English. More than 100 countries in the world use English as the language to communicate. Writing this  paper is concerned to Baleendah senior high school who have pioneered of the International school (RSBI) so that the importance of the use ofthe English language among students in communicating needs to know its development.

Bandung, 21 December 2012



Assalam’mualaikum wr.wb
          Praiseand thanks giving I pray to Allah SWT for blessing and grace Ican finish this paper. The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the final project English titled "The Importance of Mastering English language among Students of Baleendah Senior High School".
In this paper, we hoped to know how far the use of English as a communication tool among students, especially students of Baleendah One Senior High School. And the extent of students abiliy to develop is capability to speak English well in a school environment.
          As a student and still in the learning process I realized this paper is still lot of mistakes and shortage. Therefore, criticism and suggestions are expected.
          Hopefully, this paper can provide benefits for all and we can know that the importance of mastering the English language among students of Baleendah Senior High School.

Bandung, 21 December 2012



In the completion of this paper I encountered some obstacles, but thanks to the guidance and assistance of various parties finally resolved this paper.
Therefore, I say thank you so much to:
1.      Allah SWT
2.      My parents
3.      Drs. H.Aa Sudaya, M Pd, as headmaster of Baleendah Senior High School
4.      HJ. Rosita, S.Pd, as Guiding Teacher 1
5.      Drs. Opan Sofwan, M.Ed, as Guiding Teacher 2
6.      Friends of XII social 3
7.      Friends of  Baleendah Senior High School


APPROVAL PAGE............................................................................... i

ABSTACT.............................................................................................. ii

PREFACE.............................................................................................. iii

ACKONOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................... v

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................... 1

Background of The Study................................................................ 1

1.2 The Research Questions................................................................... 2

1.3 The Research Usefulness.................................................................. 2
1.4 The Purpose of  The Study............................................................... 2
1.5 Research Methods............................................................................ 2

1.6 Hypothesis........................................................................................ 3
1.7 The time and location of the study................................................... 3

CHAPTER II  LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................. 4

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY....................................................... 11

3.1 The Research Object......................................................................... 11

3.2 Time and place of the research......................................................... 11

3.3 Technique and Data Collection Instrument...................................... 11
3.4 Procedure of research....................................................................... 12

3.5 The Data Analysis............................................................................. 12


CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION.................................. 13

5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................ 17

5.2 Recommendation.............................................................................. 18



1.1  Background
          Language is communication tool for human, in any country definitely has its own national language to interact and communicate. In the era of globalization, with the advancement in technology we can communicate with the human anywhere in the world quickly and easily. English as an international language is very supportive for all of us to communicate with all the people in world. In the era of globalization, as now everyone is expected to follow the development era certainly related to technology tools that almost all of them use the English language in its operating system. In developing countries such as Indonesia, English has a vital role in all aspects of life, especially in science and technology. Also, it can be used to develop relationships in the international forum, to strengthen the relationship between the nations of the world, etc. As students, we learn English to acquire a range of knowledge, skills, and ready to go to university, as one of the test requirements for students. Given the critical role of  English in our lives as a global society, which is why English is very important to be understood and mastered by everyone in the world. English is the language support so that students of Baleendah senior high school are expected to be able to master the English language properly and correctly in order to compete with the global society. For that, this paper discusses the importance of mastery and use of  English among students of Baleendah senior high school in communication.

1.2  The Research Questions
On the basis of the determination of the background of problem above, then we can take the formulation of the problem as follows:
"Why is
it important to master the English language by students of Baleendah Senior High School ?".

1.3  The Research Usefulness
The usefulness of this research is to inform all of us about the importance of mastering the English language in the era of globalization.

1.4  Purpose of Research
The study was conducted in order to meet the objectives that can be beneficial for teenagers in the understanding of English as the language support in the era of globalization. Knowing the extent to which mastery of the English language among students of Baleendah Senior  High School and measure students' ability to communicate using the English language.

1.5  Research Methods
To get data and information which needed, the writer use the method of observation or direct observation techniques, interview techniques, and technical literature. Not only that, we also search for material and sources from reaching the international electronic media namely, the Internet.

1.6  Hypothesis
Research conducted by the authors depart from the faith after conducting a widespread recognition of the problem raised. The belief or hypothesis is "The Importance of incorrect English as an international language." It is, to be one of the most dominant factor to be regarded as "the cause".

1.7  The time and location of the study
The research was carried out in Baleendah senior high school Bandung in the period of one month. Starting from data collection, the fieldwork until the writing of the final results of the study.


2.1 Definition Language
·         Keraf
Keraf gave two language understanding. The first expressed language as a means of communication between members of the public in the form of a symbol of the sound produced by the instrument man said. Second, language is a system of communication that uses symbols vocal (speech sound) that is arbitrary.
·         Owen
Language can be defined as a socially acceptable code or conventional system for conveying concepts through the use of symbols and the desired combination of symbols that are governed by the provisions.
·         Tarigan
Tarigan gives two definitions of language. First, language is a system of systematic, perhaps also for generative systems. Second, language is a set of symbols which this or arbitrary symbols.
·         Santoso
Language is a series of sound produced by human lips to consciously.

·         Mackey
Language is a form and nota state or something that sounds arbitrary symbol systems, or even a system of many systems, a system of an order or an order of things in systems.
·         Wibowo
Language is a system of symbols that are meaningful and articulate sound (generated by speech organ) that are arbitrary and conventional, which is used as a communication tool by a group of humans to give birth to feelings and thoughts.
·         Walija
            Definition language is communication the most complete and effective to convey an idea, message, purpose, feelings and opinions to others.
·         Syamsuddin
            He gave two language understanding. First, language is a tool used to shape our thoughts and feelings, desires and actions, a tool used to influence and be influenced. Second, language is a clear sign of a good personality and the bad, a clear sign of the family and the nation, signs clear from the mind of humanity.
·         Pangabean
            Language is a system to express and report what is happening on the nervous system.
·         Carrol
            Language is a structural system of the language sounds and sound sequences that are arbitrary, used, or which can be used in communication between individuals by a group of people and that is rather thorough gave names to objects, events, and processes in the human environment.
·         Williama. Haviland
            Language is a system of sounds that when combined according to certain rules pose meanings can be captured by all the people who speak the language.
·         Plato
            Language is essentially a statement of one's mind by means onomata (name objects or something) and rhemata (speech) which is a reflection of the idea of ​​someone in the flow of air through the mouth.
·         Wittgenstein
            Language is a form of thinking that can be understood, in touch with reality, and has a shape and a logical structure.

2.2 Definition of The Importance of the English language
            According to Atin Tresna Septina , English is the language that is used in almost all countries in the world. English as an international language has a very important role in our life as a society. In the field of sports, politics, education, science, technology and so forth, the English language becomes a means of communication that are based specifically. English language is very important to master the English language is a necessity for supporting us as a global society.
            Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said: "Those who know nothing of foreign languages, knows nothing of their own." Humans ability is not limited to quite, because it is basically the language is a way or tool to communicate. So the people who have foreign language skills are qualified, usually also very good at communicating with its own language.

2.3 The reason English is International Language
            Language is the most important infrastructure in communication, as we all know English is the language of instruction used to communicate internationally. English language is the oldest language in the world and originates from the plains of Britain is about the 8th century, besides the English language is the oldest language in the world, the English language has a vocabulary development is very rapid. According to a  joint research team. Of  Harvard University researchers noted additional vocabulary oldest languages ​​in the world reached 8500 words per year. Now the total has reached 1.022 million words. That is the amount of vocabulary far more than our country. Indeed, the growing amount of vocabulary is a better benchmark whether or not a language is considered as an international language. Besides the United Kingdom is a developed country. This is evident from the innovation and dissemination of knowledge that much of the West. The scientists, essays, invention, and innovation in the western state of development is very fast. The fact is also said that the United Kingdom is the country that most colonies around the world. Therefore english is very familiar and more widely used in many countries, especially the colonial British. So the English language more quickly spread to different parts of the world. And to this day the English language is set to become an international language.

2.4 The Easy Method  to do in order to Learn English Well and with The Maximum Goal
·         Identify Common Vocabulary
            Before mastering communication and English grammar, then we should have a vocabulary, which is used everyday in conversation.

·         Familiar with The English Language
            Grammar in English may be difficult for us to master it completely. But we actually do not have to learn English grammar in detail. The important thing is we have a basic understanding of English grammar, it becomes our capital to develop English language skills at a higher level. Examples of simple grammar that we can learn is the noun, verb, to be, adjective, adverb, pronoun personal, simple tenses, such as the simple present tense, continuous tense, past tense future tense and so forth. With our little knowing basic grammar is capital enough for us to develop the English language skills of higher.

·         Make a habit of reading in English
            English reading habit will make us familiar, and we can understand and enjoy the content/message of the text. Moreover we can find new vocab that increase our English vocabulary.

·         Get used to doing a conversation using English
            Language is meaningless if it is not practiced and applied in daily life. Language will rapidly evolve if we use it. In conversation with others people can help us to believe in ourselves, can help us to learn from mistakes, and help us to learn from others. The point will quickly understand language and develop when we are accustomed to using.

·         Listening to English songs
            One of the most effective media in order to master English easily is with us to get used to love the songs in English. By hearing the songs we used to hear the words and sentences in English. Indirectly, listen to English songs is a learning tool honing our listening and speaking. So that our English skills will increase.

·         Pleased with the English language
            If  in our hearts already embedded sense of fun, enthusiasm to learn English, then it's capital base for us to make it easier to learn English. With enthusiasm and glad it is not hard science logged in to our memory.

2.5 The benefits of mastering English
·         The pursuit of opportunities abroad
            There are thousands of programs to learn, work and volunteers around the world, but almost entirely only offered to those who master the English language. A world full of opportunity open when we can master and speak in English.

·         Communicating with 75 Countries
            English is the official language or at least have at the special position in 75 countries and is used in more than100 countries.

·         Opening the window wider world
            Many foreign-language books that just translated into English. If we can read English, we would have preferred a much more diverse reading and will certainly add to our knowledge and insight.

·         Deepening knowledge
            Now the sources of information we can get easily. Either through the internet or in books but, not least the books and information on the internet using the English language. By mastering the English language would be very beneficial for us. By understanding the English language course we will understand the information presented in the English language.



3.1 Research Object
Research object is students of  Baleendah senior high school , that is 30 students, consisting of  10 students from class XII,  10 students from class XI , and 10 students from class X.

3.2 Time and Place of Research
          3.2.1. Time of  research conducted in December 2012.
3.2.2. The place of research in Baleendah Senior High School, Bandung Regency.

3.3 Technique and Data Collection Instruments
          Data collection techniques used in this research are:
3.3.1        Library Studies
The method in which a writer looking for information and collecting data by reading and summarizing readings from various books related to research titles.
3.3.2        Browsing
It is the method of the author for information and data collected by the site associated with the title of the research.
3.3.3        Questionnaire
The study, researchers use a way to make some of the questions in the form of questionnaires and then disseminated to the population or the place to best studied by researchers.

3.4 Procedure of research
The procedure of this study to determine the ability and understanding of the students about the importance of the mastering English language by students of  Baleendah senior high school, using a questionnaire distributed to each of class representative to determine the ability of understanding and percentage of students.

3.5 Data analysis techniques
The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive comparative analysis is to compare one student questionnaire with other students.


4.1 The Finding
          In this study the authors spread a questionnaire completed by 30 students of Baleendah senior high school randomly. Sample of 10 students of class XII. 10 students of class XI and 10 students of class X. Here are the results of the questionnaire that the authors get:
Students of Baleendah senior high school who like learning English as much as 80%. Students who sometimes like the English language as much as 10%. 7% of students assume learning English is mediocre and not too fond of. And 3% of the students do not like learning English.
Although only 80% of students who liked learning English, but all students/ 100% assume that English is very important to be mastered.
In Baleendah senior high school not all of students can master the English language, according to research by the author get, 60% of students of Baleendah senior high school can master the English language and 20% of students are not really master the English language . While the remaining 20% is tolerable master English.
Based on the data author  get from the students of Baleendah senior high school, 50% of students, rarely communicate in English. 30% of students are communicating in English and 20% never communicate in English.
Based on the questionnaires disrtibuted by the authors to students of  Baleendah senior high school, the effort to improve the English language skills are 30% students are watching movies that use the English language, 35% of the students listen to the English song, 15% follow the guidance to learn English, the effort to improve the English language skills is 10% of students using English language in everyday conversation, and the remaining, 10% of students improve English language skills by looking for partners to communicate in English.

4.2 Discussion
English has been recognized as an international language. That is, society who come from diverse backgrounds geography, religion and has had a media culture which agreed to communicate with each other, namely English. With this phenomenon, we can draw a clear picture that English gave space broadest us to soul able a part of the global community of the world. Many expressed the opinion that learning English is very difficult. But as difficult as anyone thing to be learned, but if it is done on a continuous basis, so be sure one day we will be eased, and of course end up getting what we want. If we can speak English, so we can talk to more than 1.5 billion people around the world. One in four people in the world speak at least some English, and the amount of learning continues to grow. For example, in China alone, the number of people learning English have exceeded the total population of the United States. When we speak English, we can communicate with  people from many country using a foreign language.

4.3 Analysis of Research Findings
Based on the data that the authors check through a questionnaire distributed to students of Baleendah senior high school as an object of study, data showed that 100% of students of Baleendah senior high school agree that English is an important language to learn.80% of respondents liked learning English. 60% of respondents said that mastering the English language. According to the data we obtained, students of Baleendah senior high school rarely use English in communication, unless there are partners to be invited to communicate. About 30% of respondents who communicate with English. The efforts made by the students of Baleendah senior high school for more develop the English language skills is a way: following additional learning english, listening to songs that use the English language, the English language apply in everyday conversation, talk with foreigners, watching movie using English, and looking for a partner to communicate using English. Efforts to improve the English language skills conducted by students of Baleendah senior high school is a form of seriousness in learning English. Students of Baleendah senior high school aware of the importance of English language in the era of globalization, it is a necessity to live a life as a global society.


5.1 Conclusions
English is the international language that is recognized through out the world. With the development of science and technology, the need to master English for Indonesian people, especially intellectuals and aspiring intellectual (students and scholars), it looks more real. This is caused by the status or position of English in the world, now more inferior. English is one of the world's largest language is used as the language of communicate on both verbal and written. In the era of globalization, the position of English as the language is getting stronger used in all fields: science and technology, communications, politics, economics, trade, banking, culture, art, film and others. For Indonesian people, English is the first foreign language to be learned and mastered by the students.
English language should really be learned and mastered well as a huge benefit for our future especially students of Baleendah senior high school. By mastering the English language well, this world would be easy for us to hand held. Because the most important thing is how well we communicate globally as part of the global community, course using English as an international language.

5.2 Recommendations
To be able to master and use the English language well, the author suggest that we learn English with all your heart and with good feelings so as not to be a burden. If we learned the English language well, we would be easy to remember and easy to understand. Because English is very important for us as students. We should always practice our English language skills in daily life. Continue to learn English well because it will support our future direction to much better.



-          Hornby (1989). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
-          Saragih W. & Simatupang Rita Clara. , 2010. Course material for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
-          http://bahasainggris.net

1.      Do you like learning English?
a.       Yes
b.      sometimes
c.       mediocre
d.      Dislike
2.      Is English important for you?
a.   Yes
b.      No
c.       Not really
d.      Little
3.      Have you mastered the English language ?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Not really
d.      Little
4.      Do you often communicate using the English language?
a. Sometimes
b. Yes
c. No
d. Never
5.      What efforts are you doing to improve your English language skills ?


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